What are some of the factors that contribute to relationship discord? Why don't couples get along, when they don't get along? It would be easy to say something glib, like, well, whenever there are two or more people, there's going to be conflict. And this is indeed true, if we understand "conflict" to mean anything from simple disagreement to hostile combat. But it's important to understand in more detail the specifics of conflict, so that we can imagine what might need to be done to create more harmony in relationships.
So let's list some of the most common contributors to relationship dis-harmony:
1) resentments 2) insecurities 3) unidentified and unmet needs 4) feeling disrespected
5) ineffective communication styles 6) assumptions 7) misinterpretations 8) fears that are unidentified and unspoken 9) sexual differences 10) money differences 11) value differences
12) parenting differences 13) feeling unheard 14) trying to control another 15) unspoken expectations.
These are some of the most common factors that lead, almost inevitably, to relationship problems. How could they not? All of them are important considerations in the dynamics of any relationship, and addressing them skillfully becomes an important aspect of healthy relationship interactions.