Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Nature Of Following One's Heart

What is this path of Following One's Heart, anyway? I equate it with committing oneself to Truth, or to God, or to the Real, etc. In other words, it isn't a light, airy fairy, simple or easy thing to do. It is, indeed, the hardest thing one might ever do. If this is true, then it will require tenacity (as one client recently recognized), determination, willingness: to work, to make effort, to face challenges and obstacles, to learn and to grow. It is not, as some would like to convince themselves (and others), a matter of "simply letting go" (which should, by this approach, be experienced as the easiest thing in the world). Oh darn!

One must understand that in following one's heart, it is virtually inevitable that the path will put you in conflict with cultural, family and internalized personal misconceptions, values, lies, and manipulations. Oops. It will, virtually inevitably, be a painful experience at times. Just seeing through one of your own illusions (becoming "dis-illusioned") can be quite painful, don't you think?

This path will be frightening; it will scare you. It will give you access to what will feel like extremes of emotion and thought. You won't understand what's happening to you at times. It is of great help to have a companion along these byways to help guide you. Someone who has traversed the territory and is familiar with it. A good therapist is one possibility.

If you thought that following your heart ought to be easy and sweet, please excuse me for suggesting otherwise. Get ready for the ride of your life.

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