Here are just a few astounding facts to consider:
According to the DoD Taskforce on Mental Health, among troops returning from Afghanistan and Iraq, 40% of soldiers, 1/3 of marines, and fully half of National Guard members are suffering from psychological problems following deployment;
children from military families are twice as likely to die from severe abuse as other children are, and rates of abuse and neglect rise dramatically (40%) during the time of deployment;
a recent Rand Corporation study reports that some 300,000 US troops returning from Iraq/Afghanistan are suffering from Major Depression or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, while another 320,000 are suffering with brain injuries. Only about half of all of these women and men have sought treatment;
there are an average of 18 suicides a day, among America's 25 million vets.
I've taken the step of signing up, along with some 4,000 other therapists (so far) across the country, with Give An Hour, in order to be able to contribute something in the way of compassionate care to some of these men, women and children. This is not an issue of politics or party lines, but a matter of offering some measure of help to people in dire need.
If you'd like more information on Give An Hour, please click on the title of this post to visit their website.