What if you are youngish, have a well paying job, with good health benefits, and flexibility insofar as seasonal down time is built in, which you like, and now you have a primary relationship which, of course, needs attention and nurture, and you work 60 to 80 hours a week which makes this nurture impossible, and indeed you get lost to yourself in this job, by which I mean that you do not now know what your actual needs and wants are and you are not doing the things that you can identify as central to your deeper passions and creative fulfillments, because you simply operate on automatic pilot, though you do the job well? (Breath).
What you get is some feeling of financial security, and this is important to you because you grew up poor and didn't like it, the possibility of creating a small nest egg, a feeling of control, and of course the health benefits, which you may actually need to use because you also haven't felt really well for several months now.
What do you lose? Yourself, your relationship, the possibility of having a family, maybe your health, your passions, your joy, in some meaningful way your happiness.
What would you do in this situation?
