Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Little On Forgiveness

So let's talk about forgiveness, or more precisely, self forgiveness. If the thesis that you are punishing yourself is accurate, then in place of a punitive relationship with yourself, a relationship of forgiveness, tolerance, compassion and acceptance of your humanity becomes the antidote, and the key to your liberation from the heavy psychological hand of this internal prison guard/enforcer.

You understand of course that we are entering the realm of spirituality, but not only spirituality. This is also the realm of psychological health, happiness, freedom and well being. It may not be just as simple as "love is all you need", or it might be just that simple, as long as we distinguish between the principle and its implementation. The simplistic notion that one needs to just "let go" has to be abandoned, and in its place the realistic practice of actively cultivating an integrated, felt experience of self love will be undertaken.

How to do this? You can use whatever methods work for you: visualization, self soothing, self hugging, self talk, self parenting, singing to yourself, etc. Welcoming the inner part of you who has transgressed. Practicing an understanding and supportive relationship with that part of you.
Treating yourself gently rather than harshly. Engaging a new belief that says that you will be a better person for offering yourself forgiveness than for imposing punishment.

Oh yes. There is the element of time. While "just let go" is supposed to happen instantly, the reality is that forgiveness develops over time and with effort and intention.

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