How difficult it is to make a commitment. Any commitment. How difficult it is to dedicate oneself to a path of effort and longevity. Immediate gratification is what you require. The All Holy Quick Fix. To everything. And according to the propaganda, it ought to be that way. This is after all a realistic expectation. The fast buck. The "quicky" sexual encounter. The instant soup. The magical instant transformation complete with the Hollywood style dramatic "experience" that makes everything right all at once and forever.
No wonder then that the bad news, the disillusionment of how deep psychotherapy might work is hard to take. All those insurance driven managed care companies must be right, no? 3, 4, maybe 5 sessions of "brief" therapy is all that's needed, right?
Oh, woe is you. If what you want are some "tools" to help you "fix" your life, maybe you ought to read a simple self-help book and save your time and money. Having that information should enable you to make things work pretty much over night, shouldn't it? Funny how it doesn't tend to work that way, in spite of all the advertising hype.
Anyway, deep psychotherapy is transformative, and it does take time. But who has time? Time is money! Hurry up! Don't waste my time! Part of what I enjoy doing in my work is de-mystifying therapy for people. It's really a lot simpler - not quick and easy - than you think. And as we all know, or need to know if we don't yet, the simple is generally the most difficult to achieve.
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