Sunday, March 20, 2011

An Original Life In The Making

There is something deeply inspiring when a client realizes that she is on a course that will break fundamentally from some of the basics of what she has been taught and conditioned to, and that in spite of the difficulties that this presents, is committed to the journey at hand. Imagine, coming up against your history, your training, what is familiar to you, what you have seen and felt and heard modeled to you all of your life, and understanding that these norms cannot work for you if you are to be healthy and true to yourself, if you are to be able to experience the kinds of intimate and meaningful relationships you know you want.

At this point you are an artist of the highest order, engaged in creating your life in a form that is entirely new, unique and original. As with any deeply original creative process, there will be challenges, obstacles, and setbacks along the way. This is not a fantasy of some brilliantly easy and spontaneous creative inspiration, but something more along the lines of Thomas Edison's declaration that genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. You're going to have to work at it.

And play at it, if I might add. Not to give the impression that this wonderful creative enterprise is a grueling, relentless exercise of gargantuan effort alone.
The ability to laugh, to play, to tend the fledgling creation gently is of paramount importance as well. And, of course, it may well be to your benefit to have the proper guidance on the way.

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